My Philosophy

As a hockey player myself, I know firsthand what type of demands are put on the body and how it needs to move during the sport. Hockey requires the athlete to move forwards, backwards, side to side, as well as, rotational. With the amount of agility a hockey player needs it is also a strength/power sport, so more focus needs to be placed on exercises and movements that will develop these components to the highest degree possible with the help of my elite hockey training in Kelowna.

I strongly believe that if you want to get the most benefit out of anything you do in life you need to incorporate structure. My approach to training is no different. When working with my athletes, my number one priority is injury prevention followed by improved performance, speed and strength development. If I can keep my athletes healthy then they can continue to train. It doesn’t matter how strong an athlete can become if they end up getting injured in the process.

When working with my athletes I place a lot of emphasis on form and technique. The better the athlete’s form and technique, the faster they will increase their strength, speed, and power while minimizing the risk of injury. Each training session has a set goal with specific objectives put in place to help obtain that desired goal. My approach to training follows research backed and scientifically proven principles. These principles focus on ground-based exercises, explosive movements, periodization and multiple joint movements. This type of training helps increase flexibility, prevent injury, and results in a greater power output while improving functional core strength for hockey players.

What Some of The Players Are Saying

Travis is an amazing trainer and an even better person. As I have trained with him for 2 years now, one summer in person and this summer remotely, I have seen how much he truly wants each of his athletes to succeed and improve. His programs are the perfect combination of strength, power, agility and speed training. Travis has helped me focus on training with intention and purpose so I have seen lots of growth in my strength and speed. I would recommend Travis to any athlete that wants to reach their highest potential all while having fun with it.

Tash Falk

Dalhousie, University

I have done some training with Travis the past few summers and he has been awesome to work with. He pays attention to the little things and offers individual feedback and suggestions. His positive energy and knowledge of training makes coming to the gym each day easy. Thanks Trav for all you do and always pushing me to be better!

Rachel Weiss

Providence, College

I’m the head coach for the U15AAA Okanagan Rockets hockey team. We have been using Martell Elite Fitness for two years now. Our hockey team has benefited from the in season training, communication, and attention to detail that they bring. It has been largely noticeable the speed and compete we can sustain without gassing out in the 3rd or OT. I would highly recommend working in this environment as an athlete because I know our boys do!

Max Mowat

Head Coach, Okanagan Rockets U15

Travis has been a huge help to me in improving my overall fitness, mainly my lower body strength and explosiveness and the results have been very noticeable on and off the ice. Living in Alberta he made my program very easy and convenient to follow on my own as he was always very quick to answer any questions I had about the program as a whole or the workout for that day. I highly recommend Travis as a trainer for anyone who wants to improve their fitness and help improve their game.

Ethan Paulin-Hatch

Lindenwood, University

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