

I’m excited to share my knowledge about hockey, nutrition, and strength and conditioning. After earning my degree in Exercise Science, I was fortunate enough to play professional hockey for 9 seasons. (Learn More)

Now, my goal is to help young aspiring hockey players reach their goals. In this section of my website, you’ll find countless tips regarding correct exercise techniques, nutritional advice, proper training styles, and so much more.

Please Enjoy!

How To: Safely Bulk Up
How To: Safely Bulk Up

Besides always being told that I needed to improve my foot speed as a young hockey player, coaches would also tell me that I needed to put on weight. I have always been a skinny kid and it was extremely hard to put on weight during the off-season, but that doesn't...

The Trap Bar
The Trap Bar

The Trap Bar is a very useful piece of equipment. The Trap Bar (also known as a Hex Bar because of its shape) differs from a normal barbell because you stand in the middle of the Trap Bar and the weight being lifted is in line with your body whereas the barbell has...

Stop Using This Piece of Equipment
Stop Using This Piece of Equipment

Stop Using The Tire! Whether you're slamming a sledgehammer off the tire or flipping it, you need to stop using this piece of equipment today. Yes, slamming a sledgehammer against a tire or performing multiple tire flips will increase your conditioning but at what...

Do you get enough of this?
Do you get enough of this?

Training hard is extremely important if you want to experience incredible gains. But if your recovery doesn't match the efforts of your training you won't see the gains you should.  I've already written an article outlining different ways to help you recover from your...

How To: Warm-up For a Hockey Game
How To: Warm-up For a Hockey Game

Before I start to explain how you should be warming up, I have to ask...   Do you warm-up before your hockey games? And I don't mean the warm-up on the ice. While this warm-up is important, it's more of a tactical warm-up to get you feeling the puck, to get used...

This Only Affects You! The Female Hockey Player
This Only Affects You! The Female Hockey Player

It's not fair but sometimes things in life aren't fair and this is one of those times. Whether you're male or female under eating and over working will have huge negative effects on your performance. But the thing that's really scary is, not only does under eating...


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