

I’m excited to share my knowledge about hockey, nutrition, and strength and conditioning. After earning my degree in Exercise Science, I was fortunate enough to play professional hockey for 9 seasons. (Learn More)

Now, my goal is to help young aspiring hockey players reach their goals. In this section of my website, you’ll find countless tips regarding correct exercise techniques, nutritional advice, proper training styles, and so much more.

Please Enjoy!

Should Hockey Players Train CrossFit? (Part 2)
Should Hockey Players Train CrossFit? (Part 2)

Part 2 of Should Hockey Players Train CrossFit? If you haven't read Part 1, click here to read it now. Now let's jump right into the second point of why hockey players shouldn't train CrossFit. POINT TWO: Rewarded for completion What I'm about to say may make a lot of...

Should Hockey Players Train CrossFit?
Should Hockey Players Train CrossFit?

Should hockey players train CrossFit? Before we start I want to let you know that this article will be broken down into four parts with this post being the first part. There's a lot of information that I'll be covering and it'll be way too much for one article. Enjoy!...

How to: Perform The Trap Bar Deadlift
How to: Perform The Trap Bar Deadlift

I really like using the trap bar to teach the deadlift to my new athletes. Before I get into the details of WHY I think this is important, I suggest you read the article The Trap Bar. It will give you a better understanding of this piece of equipment and the different...

Do You Do This Wrong?
Do You Do This Wrong?

The Band Lateral Walk When done correctly, the band lateral walk exercise is a great way to target one of the smaller gluteal muscles; the gluteus medius (glute med). This muscle plays a significant role in stabilizing the pelvis, causing the leg to abduct (move away...

3 Nutritional (Timing) Tips to Help Performance
3 Nutritional (Timing) Tips to Help Performance

Hockey players should know the importance of eating properly. If you're an athlete and you don't know that poor nutrition can hinder your performance then you better pay extra attention to this post. I am going to discuss 3 tips that will help to keep your body...

Should You Eat Before Training?
Should You Eat Before Training?

When training as an athlete your main focus is increasing your performance. When you don't fuel your body properly this is a lot harder to achieve. It's extremely important to give your body the nutrients it needs to perform at its best. So should you eat before...


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