Keep Up The Good Work: Brady Lenardon

Keep Up The Good Work: Brady Lenardon

Keep Up The Good Work: Brady Lenardon

I feel very lucky to have the job that I do. I get to work with dedicated athletes who want to become the best hockey players they can be. They come to the gym with very clear goals in mind and we work together to achieve them. One of those athletes I have had the privilege to work with for the past 5 years is Brady Lenardon.

Each off-season we sit down and discuss where he feels he needs to improve his game and based off of our discussionĀ I design his custom program so he can continue to improve. From the first year I worked with Brady until this past summer, I have seen a huge transformation. Brady has gone from a skinny little 14-year-old kid (like most of us once were) to a mature 19-year-old adult.

This past off-season is when Brady impressed me the most. Working a physically demanding construction job 10+ hours a day in the Okanagan summer heat, he was still as committed as ever to his training. Brady not only found the time but also the energy to come to the gym every day and do what needed to be done so he could achieve his goals.

This past week Brady got one step closer to his goal. With the absence of the starting goalie for the WHL Kelowna Rockets, Brady got the important call and the chanceĀ put on a jersey for his local WHL team. Sometimes in life, we need luck to get our foot in the door but it will always be hard work that keeps us there. Click here to read the news article.