1/2 Kneeling Hip Opener

by May 17, 2024Enhanced Performance

​I want to share an excellent hip mobility exercise that can help open up your hips and access deeper tissue areas. This is particularly crucial for hockey players, but it’s beneficial for anyone looking to improve their hip mobility.

The Half Kneeling Hip Opener

This exercise involves a half kneeling position with the leg abducted to the side. Here’s a step-by-step guide to perform it correctly:

1. Positioning:

    • Get into a half-kneeling position.
    • Extend one leg to the side, ensuring your hips and shoulders remain square and facing forward.
    • Align your toe, heel, and bottom knee in a straight line.​

2. Movement:

    • Drive your knee over your toe while keeping your hips square.
    • As you move, maintain a gentle and controlled motion, feeling a stretch through the hip area.

3. Stretch and Hold:

    • At the end range of your motion, hold the position for two seconds.
    • Return to the starting position.

4. Repetitions:

    • Perform 10 reps on each side.
    • Depending on your hip tightness, do 1-3 sets per side.

Watch the video below 👇

This exercise is a fantastic warm-up before a lift or a field day. It helps open your hips and can improve your performance by increasing mobility.

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Stay active and keep those hips moving!

By incorporating this simple yet effective hip opener into your routine, you’ll enhance your mobility and overall athletic performance. Give it a try and feel the difference!