Importance of Warming up For Hockey

by Mar 9, 2023Enhanced Performance

When it comes to hockey, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of being on the ice. Whether you’re a rookie or an experienced veteran, every player knows that the thrill is really only there if you’re playing at your best. And in order to be at your best you have to make sure you’re taking time to warm up before each game which is essential for your success. Warming up isn’t just about getting your muscles ready – it’s also vital for preparing you mentally. In this article, we will look at how warming up can help you prepare your muscles, get into the right frame of mind, and why it should be part of your pregame routine. So let’s dive in and take a closer look at the importance of warming up before a hockey game!


Prevention of Injury

Warming up is key when playing any sport, but especially with contact sports such as hockey since there are so many potential risks of injury if players don’t prepare their bodies properly. Preventing injuries is one of the most important aspects of a good warm-up routine.

Warming up helps the body by loosening stiff joints, improving flexibility, increasing blood flow to working tissues (ie. muscles), and increasing muscle temperature, all of this allows the muscles to contract and relax more efficiently. Overall, this improves mobility which strengthens your body’s ability to perform quicker movements on the ice, making you more agile while playing. A good warm-up routine is beneficial not only to prepare you physically but mentally as well.

By dedicating time to focus on the upcoming game during your warm-up and including breathing exercises, your mind becomes better prepared alongside your muscles. With increased mental focus, you’ll have better visibility on the ice and a reduced chance of being taken down by a big hit. 


Increased Mobility

It’s no joke when it comes to warming up before a hockey game; in fact, it’s of utmost importance. With the right preparation and warm-up routine, players can increase their mobility to be at their best for the game ahead. Unfortunately, many athletes make the mistake of skipping this essential step – but if they knew just how beneficial it is, perhaps they’d think twice! 

When considering what exercises should be included in your pre-game warm-up to improve mobility, a few basics should always be done: Cat/Camel, 1/2 Kneeling Rec Fem Mob, SL Hamstring Pumpers, and Alternating Pigeons. Yes, there are more drills you can do, although I believe at the bare minimum you should be performing these ones. Working on the mobility at these joints and getting these muscle groups moving prior to taking to the ice will help prevent any unwanted injuries during a game. As such, investing time into warming up properly is sure to pay off immensely come game time!


Getting In The Right Mindset

Before lacing up and heading out onto the ice, players must take the time to get in the right mindset. This helps them focus on their performance and improve their on-ice gameplay.

Preparing mentally for a game can be just as important as preparing physically. Taking some time before the game to clear your head and go over three strategies you want to apply during the game (ie. pucks on net, chip pucks in, and staying between the dots) will help ensure success during the game. Visualizing yourself playing at peak performance levels can also be helpful and give you confidence going into the game.

Having a positive attitude is key when it comes to having an effective warmup routine. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by nerves or insecurities but staying focused and keeping good vibes are imperative if you want to perform well. Listening to music and talking with teammates can help keep spirits high so that everyone is motivated when they step on the ice.



It’s important to never rush through your warm-up routine. Allow yourself at least 10-15 minutes to fully prepare both mentally and physically, as it can make a significant difference. Physically, warming up helps to increase blood flow, heart rate, coordination, and loosen muscles to reduce the risk of injury. By incorporating mobility exercises, players can improve their reaction time on the ice, resulting in increased speed and agility. Additionally, warming up can decrease fatigue and enhance recovery, allowing for sustained effort throughout the entire game.

Moreover, taking the time during warm-up to clear your mind and concentrate on the game ahead can improve your chances of a successful performance. Regardless of your level, pregame warm-ups are essential for optimizing athletic performance by building physical strength and mental sharpness.