Benefits of Suspension Training

by Jan 2, 2017Strength Training

Hockey players need to have many different aspects of athleticism to be successful. They need to be strong, fast, powerful, agile, and possess a great amount of endurance. So when it comes to training, if you only train a certain way or only use a select amount of equipment you may be missing out on some of these aspects that would help you reach your goals.

Just like a good carpenter needs many different tools to build a house, you as a hockey player need many different types of training to be effective on the ice.

Suspension training is a tool that you can add to your training tool box. The most popular name that comes to mind when talking about suspension training is the TRX. There are other brands that also make a  version of this piece of equipment but the TRX is the most well known.

Why should you incorporate TRX training into your program?
  • It’s extremely convenient and allows you do perform multiple exercises with only one piece of equipment
  • It develops your strength in a functional way by teaching you how to control your centre of gravity using your muscles
  • It forces you to engage your smaller stabilizing muscles while performing any type of movement; this helps hockey players become stronger on their skates
  • It reduces the stress placed on the joints compared to traditional weight training
  • It can be fun and a new challenge for hockey players who’ve never used a TRX before

I have put together a video with exercises that I feel will best benefit a hockey player if they want to change up their training and add a TRX routine to their program.

Run through the following exercises.

Complete 2-3 rounds and make sure you rest about 60 seconds after each round

(Details are below)

TRX Rollout x10

TRX Single Arm Row x10e

TRX Spiderman Push-up x10e

TRX Hamstring Curl x10

TRX Mountain Climbers x30s

TRX Side Plank x15s Each Side

TRX Glute Bridge x15

TRX Push-up Plank with Leg Abduction/Adduction x10

TRX Inverted Row x10

TRX Chest Press  x10

Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think about this routine by leaving a comment below.