Hockey Swiss Ball Core Workout

by Dec 5, 2016Strength Training

The core is the most important group of muscles we have!

The reason I can say this with such confidence is because the core is the connection between the upper and lower extremities. The core conducts energy between our extremities. The stronger the core the better the connection, the better the connection the more power and strength is transferred from our lower extremities to our upper extremities and vice versa. And the stronger the core the more weight can be lifted in lifts like the squat and deadlift. Everything we do goes through the core.

You can read more about the importance of a strong core here.

When training it’s easy to get caught up in all the fancy new exercises and equipment that’s out there. But there is something about the basics! They will always have their place in a training program. It’s important to know a good workout that only requires minimal equipment.

This core workout I have put together below only requires a Swiss Ball. Knowing how hockey players need to move on the ice to be successful this workout helps develop the strength to have more stability and efficiency in your staking.

The details of the workout are after the video.

Run through all the exercises in a circuit and complete it 3 times.

(Make sure you take about 15 seconds between exercises to catch your breath before starting the next exercise)

Front Plank (Elbows on SB) 30 seconds
Side Plank (Elbow on SB) 15 seconds each side
Push-up Plank (Feet on SB) with Single Leg Elevation 30 seconds each leg
SB Dolphin Kicks 20 reps
SB Rollout 10 reps
SB Single Leg Rotation 4 reps each side
SB Side Raise 10 reps each side
SB Pike 8 reps

REST 60 seconds and repeat